Next Steps


Domtar has met all the requirements of the Minister’s 2019 Order, which included:

  • Development and implementation of a dust control program

  • Delineation of the contamination at the Greenbelt and the immediately adjacent Overlanders Community

  • Development of a conceptual site model

  • Completion of a site-specific risk assessment (SSRA) for the Greenbelt and Overlanders Community which includes an updated final human health risk assessment and an ecological risk assessment

  • Completion of a draft risk management plan (RMP) which includes a plan for long-term monitoring of the Greenbelt. Domtar is working with the City of Edmonton to finalize the RMP.

The findings of the SSRA indicate that the current conditions of the Greenbelt and Overlanders Community do not pose a risk to human health or ecological receptors. Long-term risk management, outlined in the draft RMP, will ensure that the conditions of the site remain such that they do not alter the conclusions of the SSRA.

In May 2020, Domtar received notification from AEP that its SSRA had been completed to the satisfaction of AEP and Alberta’s Chief Scientist. In December 2021, AEP concluded that remediation is not required in the Overlanders Community, which includes the Greenbelt. Shortly after, Domtar submitted its risk management plan for the site. In doing so, Domtar has met all requirements of the Ministerial Order.

Domtar will continue to work with AEP as Domtar implements its long-term monitoring program of the Greenbelt.